Les témoignages affichés dans cette page sont
extraits de courriels envoyés spontanément au service de
Support technique de Synactis. Ils sont publiés en ordre
chronologique, avec l'accord de leurs auteurs.
Certains clients nous ont aimablement communiqué des
exemples de réalisations faites avec
PDF In-The-Box.
Témoignages et exemples
After using other PDF components with limited
success and functionality, we chose Synactis
Pdf-in-the-Box because of the superior features
available within the component set. Our customers are
now enjoying the experience of this PDF component and
the praises from the clients are truly rewarding. From
the development side, the support received from the
Synactis team is unrivaled in the industry. »
Brian Culverwell,
CEO and architect of the NuVu Reporting Suite
(NuVu Software, Australia)
Some months ago I asked Synactis if they could
create a component that would produce both PDF files and
also be able to directly print to a selected printer
without the need to call the Adobe API. That request
spawned what I believe is the best non visual Report
Generator I have ever seen: All In-The-Box. It is just
what it claims to be. Simply amazing.»
Ian Hagan (IHCS Software, Australia, 05/19/2007)
Since I
deployed my application using PDF In-The-Box it has
produced approximately 7500 documents of average length
800 pages with absolutely no problems. »
David Sellers (Red Door Software Ltd, United Kingdom, 03/21/2006)
I am extremely satisfied with PDF In-The-Box. I have
over four hundred companies in North America using it in
my software to prepare their forms. Each day, literally
thousands of Quotes, Invoices, and Itineraries are
prepared using PDF In-The-Box. It's simple to code, yet
very robust! Thanks for helping me do my job better and
Tom Sylvester (Tom Sylvester, Inc., USA,
I recently purchased you OCX control
and I developed the code for my application very
easily.» George Krastev, Senior Design Engineer
(Vikron Engineering Services, USA, 01/29/2005)
purchased PDF-in-the-Box and are about to release our
Freeware app where PDF-in-the-Box replaces a more
expensive PDF library. The documents generated are
light table identical.»
Alan Rice (A F Rice Software
Consulting, USA, 11/05/2005)
Thank you for your
technical support. I love the tool your company has
Matt Moran
(Generic Systems, Inc, USA, 06/11/2004)
Everything is OK and PDF in The Box is
great! »
Hans-Juergen Frei (SCHILLER AG, Switzerland,
« Wow! Thank you for sending me the Beta.
I immediately got on it today, and within minutes
developed one PDF export routine. It performed
flawlessly. Am I ever impressed.»
Sam Bellotto Jr. (Crossdown, USA, 12/12/2002)